Corporate Prayer: Easter Sunday 2022

Our Holy Father and our God, we have come into Your presence this morning because You have called us. You have called us from slavery to sin and death to become slaves of righteousness. You have called us from darkness into Your inestimable light. You have called us not only into Your light, but You have called us to be light, light in Christ.

As with the great cloud of witnesses who have gone before us, O God, you have called us to remember, as You remember. To remember Your creation of all things out of nothing, that before what we know as the beginning, there was the Triune God, and nothing else. To remember that after You created everything else, You created Man in your very image, different from all other created things. To remember that our first father, Adam, sinned against You, taking all of mankind into darkness and curse with and after him. To remember that even in the midst of that first onslaught of darkness You promised a Savior, Who would crush the serpent’s head, even as the serpent bruised His heel. To remember that in the fullness of time You remembered Your promise, and a virgin conceived by Holy Spirit and brought forth our Savior, Jesus Christ, fully man and fully God, the One who would turn back the curse. To remember that according to Your purposes He took upon Himself our sin and shame, dying an accursed death upon the cross, that we might be cloaked in His righteousness and have the adoption as sons and daughters of the Living God. To remember that by Your power and glory, on the third day He rose again, showing forth the vindication of Your purposes, that Death could not hold Him, and cannot hold us. To remember that the day is coming when He will return in glory to judge all of mankind, the living and the dead, to establish His kingdom that will have no end. To remember that Your covenant faithfulness endures forever.

And on this Easter Sunday, O God, we remember and celebrate especially the glorious and joyous truth that Jesus Christ is, indeed, risen from the tomb, to turn back the curse and bring eternal life!

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